
Trainings “Gender Equality in Public Relations and in Corporate Social Responsibility” and “Gender Equality in Human Resources”

On August 24 and 25, in cooperation with the organization “CiDA”, trainings were held aiming at providing the staff of Human Resources Department, and specialists in marketing and advertising with the relevant knowledge in the field of gender issues. The training on “Gender Equality in Human Resources Management” is aimed at raising the qualifications of human resources staff in the field of gender equality.

The Training focused on gender equality issues, equal access to staff development, health and social issues, open and hidden forms of discrimination at workplace, wage difference and other policies that are often discriminatory towards women. The participants were able to get acquainted with theoretical as well as practical issues through role-play activities.

At the training held on 25 August -“Gender Equality in Public Relations and in Corporate Social Responsibility,” much attention was paid to the essence of gender, aspects of gender equality and discrimination. Bad and good practices in the field of marketing and advertising were discussed based on practical examples for the managers to foresee in their activity. During the training a testing method was used to reveal sexism in advertising. Besides that, Giorgi Janelidze, a famous screenwriter of humorous TV productions had a talk with the participants about gender discrimination in advertising market.