
Documentary film “What Happened in the Street” – Presentation

On April 12, in the office of Open Society Georgia Foundation, “Sapari” held a presentation of the documentary film on sexual harassment “What happened in the Street”. The film is directed by Salome Sagaradze. It tells the stories of the three women who share their stories of sexual harassment in the streets.

After the screening, a discussion was held. It was noted that it is necessary to identify the problem of sexual harassment in the public space so that the victim can confidently deal with violence and not put all blame on herself.

The campaign is carried out within the framework of the project “Sexual Harassment: Advocacy and Awareness Raising”, which is supported by Open Society Georgia Foundation. The project includes an overview of legislative regulations of various countries of the world, elaboration of legislative proposals, training and public lecture series in higher education institutions in Tbilisi and regions, a social campaign “What happened in the street”, as well as making documentary and animated films. The complex approach to the issue envisaged in the project aims at maximum awareness and involvement of the society in the issue of sexual harassment.

“Sapari” was founded in 2001 and is one of the first organizations for the protection of women’s rights in Georgia. Since 2013 “Sapari” has been actively involved in legislative activity, advocacy and lobbying. At present, the organization is focused on combating discrimination, enhancement of women’s political participation and empowerment of women’s movement, in addition to fighting violence in the family and against women in general.