
Implementation of EU-Georgia association agenda 2017-2020 assessment by civil society

Authors: Kote Eristavi; Manana Kochladze

This report brings together monitoring by Transparency International Georgia, Union “Sapari”, Human Rights Education and Monitoring Centre (EMC), Partnership for Human Rights (PHR), Green Alternative working together with the support of the Open Society Georgia Foundation to analyze Georgia’s progress in implementing the priorities indicated in the 2017-2020 Association Agenda, with a specific focus on progress made in 2019.

Experts have assessed the Georgian government’s efforts across six thematic areas 1) Rule of Law (including Justice Sector and Law Enforcement); 2) Anti-corruption, public administrative reform, and public service; 3) Equal Treatment, 4) Children’s rights (all under 2.2, AA); 5) Trade Union Rights and Core Labour Standards and Employment, Social Policy and Equal Opportunities (under 2.2. and 2.6, AA); 6) Environment and Climate Change (under 2.7, AA).

The findings of this monitoring exercise reveal a mixed picture. While the government has made efforts under priorities in all thematic areas monitored, overall progress is uneven. In some areas, the authorities can be credited for some real steps forward. The doubling of criminal charges being brought in domestic violence cases this year shows how a legal framework, strong monitoring bodies can lead to changing practices (Chapter 3, Equal Treatment).

Implementation of EU-Georgia association agenda 2017-2020 assessment by civil society_2020